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What's the difference between private and public Advisors?

There are two types of Advisors you can deploy: private and public.

Who can use private or public Advisors?

The visibility settings you select when deploying your Advisor determine who can view and interact with them.

  • If you choose to make your Advisor public, it will be available to anyone who uses the platform or website you deployed it on. Additionally, it will be accessible and searchable by anyone using the PAL interface.

  • If you choose to make your Advisor private, only Circuitry users can access it on the platform or website you deployed it on. Additionally, it will be available from the PAL interface for Circuitry users and any users you invite to access it.

When should you make your Advisor public?

A public Advisor is accessible to anyone who uses your platform or website. Since it is being used externally, this type of Advisor would have customer-facing documentation such as product catalogs, user manuals, and more. Here are a few use cases for a public Advisor.

  • An Advisor that answers customer questions and gives targeted product recommendations.

  • An Advisor that customers can use to assist them with basic troubleshooting

When should you make your Advisor private?

A private Advisor is only accessible to the users within your organization, and it will be available via PAL to any users you choose to invite. Since it is being used internally, this type of Advisor may have internal-only documentation, such as customer data, historical sales data, and other documents. Here are a few use cases for a private Advisor.

  • An Advisor that your field technicians use to access product manuals and troubleshooting steps on the go.

  • An Advisor your contact center agents use to help them triage customer issues.

I made my Advisor private, and now I want to change it

If you want to change the visibility of your Advisor after it has been deployed, you can do so from the Advisors page. Follow the instructions here to do so.