PAL overview

What is PAL?

PAL is a centralized point of access for Advisors. From the PAL interface, users can access numerous Advisors. For example, a dealer within a large network can use PAL to explore the different Advisors available to them and select the one they’d like to interact with. Users can still access Advisors from the website or platform where the Advisor is deployed; PAL simply offers a centralized way of accessing Advisors. Any conversations from the PAL interface will be recorded in the Circuitry app.

How does it work?

Once you’ve created and deployed your Advisor, it will automatically be added to PAL. The visibility settings you selected when deploying the Advisor will determine who can view and use it.

  • If you choose to make your Advisor public, it will be available and searchable by anyone using PAL.

  • If you choose to make your Advisor private, only Circuitry users and invited users can access it on PAL.

Who can use it?

PAL access is defined by three levels:

  • Public users - these users can access PAL to view and interact with any publicly available Advisors. They cannot view or use private Advisors.

  • Private users - these users can use public Advisors and any private Advisors to which they’ve been given access. They need to be invited by an Admin on your account. After accepting an invitation, private users can access the PAL interface via email login. Click here to learn how to give a user access to a private Advisor.

  • Circuitry users - these are the users within the Circuitry app. They can use PAL to access public and private Advisors. They can also test Advisors from the PAL interface and provide Expert answers. Circuitry users on your account will not need an invitation to access the private PAL interface.


Is PAL secure?

Yes, the PAL interface uses the same security measures implemented in the Circuitry app to protect your data. We ensure the privacy and integrity of your data by keeping it secure and private, never sharing, aggregating, or utilizing it for any purposes other than those you explicitly authorize. We will never share your data with third parties or use it to train external models.

Additionally, private Advisors within PAL have an extra layer of security. Access to these Advisors is restricted to Circuitry users and users who have received an invitation and completed the authentication process.

Do I have to pay for PAL?

No, there is no cost associated with PAL.